
Dependencies 🐝

Before getting started, make sure you have these dependencies installed on your computer:

Method 🐝

One of the great things about jamstack, and tinker-friendly static site generators like jekyll, is that you can choose the level of technical detail you want to go into when creating your personal blog or website. The same goes for jekyll-garden.1

So, to get started, select the appropriate setup method below depending on what you’re interested in:

Action Intent Implementation
📝 Write I just want to make content… …fork the starter project
🔍 Tinker I want to tinker with the details… …tinker with the template
🛠 Code I want to dig deep into the code… …reference the template

Once you’re done setting up the actual project, come back here to finish the rest of the overall site setup.

Clone 🐝

Now, clone your newly created repository to your computer:

$ git clone <REPO_URL> my-bonsai

Which might look like this:

$ git clone my-bonsai

And enter the project directory:

$ cd my-bonsai

Run 🐝

You should now be in your new project directory, perhaps named “my-bonsai/”. Let’s see what this site looks like on our own computer.

Install the project dependencies by running the following command inside of my-bonsai/:

$ bundle

Now let’s try running it:

$ bundle exec jekyll serve

You should be able to see the site at http://localhost:4000.1

Deploy 🐝

In order to see your spiffy site in the wild you’ll need to deploy it. We’ll be looking at Netlify specifically, so if you don’t have an account already you’ll need to make one.

Then walk through the deploy process to launch your site.

With regard to deploy settings, the defaults should work on their own. And remember whichever branch you select under “Branch to deploy” will be the git branch that automatically deploys from git when you push changes to that branch.

Tend’n’Tinker 🐝

Now all that’s left is to get started tending to your 🔖 plants and tinkering with the features.

And don’t forget: We reap what we sow.

  1. If you run into any issues, you can head to feedback for all your cross-pollinating needs.  2